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PAL Winter Newsletter Dec 2021

President's Message

To our PAL Vancouver residents and supporters:

As I end my term this month, I want to say that it has been my honour to serve on our board of directors since 2012 and as president since 2015. I know that our organization is in good hands with an even brighter future. New housing is currently under construction in New Westminster with a plan to open

in the spring of 2023. Our Cardero Street building is being well maintained by our staff. The PAL Theatre has re-opened, and plans are afoot to merge the Theatre’s board with PAL Vancouver early next year – which will help the venue to remain viable for years to come. Our fiscal house is also in order, thanks in part to the guidance of our treasurer Bill Cox.

We have an excellent new leader in Lynn Ross and a great team to support her. I am grateful to Cal Shumiatcher for stepping into the role as PAL’s next board president. His long service in BC’s film sector and passion for the PAL mission will be put to good use. He will be supported by our fantastic board of directors, whom I have had the pleasure to work with over the past few years. I cannot thank them

enough for all the work they have done for PAL.

It pleases me that I will continue to support the PAL mission as a member of the PAL Canada board of directors.

To our wonderful residents, thank you for making PAL Vancouver a vital and important community.

All the very best to you from me and my family for the holiday season.

See you around.

Mike Klassen

Welcome Marina de Pina-Jenkins!

Marina is PAL Vancouver's new Development and Communications Manager. Marina has been participating in social and environmental causes for over 15 years.

With experience in fundraising, outreach, social media, communications, performing, public speaking, and various other creative projects, she has been using her skills to be the change she wishes to see in the world.

If you have an idea for a fundraiser or want to collaborate with PAL on

social media, please reach out by email at

PAL's Lobby Art

Our very talented residents have been showcasing their work in our

lobby. All artwork is for sale, so please contact our office for purchasing

inquiries or to book a viewing by calling (604) 620-4315 or emailing

Thanksgiving at PAL

Our residents enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with live music!

Thanks to the MPTF and VMA for providing the music! Thanks to the GVFB for donating the turkeys!

Pet Photos with Santa

Santa dropped by PAL to take pictures with our pets!

Mike Klassen's Gratitude Gathering

Residents, staff, and board members gathered to thank Mike Klassen for his 9+ years on PAL's Board of Directors.

Western Gold @ PAL Studio Theatre - Dec 18 & 19 - Quills Don’t Tweet 2

Created by Bernard Cuffling & Anna Hagan

December 18, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm

December 19, 2:00 pm

Please note: This show is not included in the

2022 Season Tickets package

Bernard and Anna are back with the

latest installment of their ode to letter

writing: a celebration of memories,

nostalgia, and the art of the written word

accompanied by music and song with a nod to Christmas.

Special guests Don Stewart and Alen Dominguez join them in a fun-filled

evening of words, music, and song. Festive pastries are included, as is a silent auction fundraiser for Western Gold!

Join us in celebrating the festive season!

Joe Average Puzzle in support of PAL

Joe Average’s One World One Hope puzzle is on sale now with partial proceeds going to support PAL Vancouver.

About the puzzle:

1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle made from high-quality snug fitting 1.9mm blue-chip board. 50ml bottle of sealing glue to bond the puzzle after assembly. If you wish to hang your puzzle after assembly included are 4 strips of Velcro to easily hang the puzzle without nails or tools and will leave no sticky adhesive behind. Reusable beautiful cardboard container with tin lid.

PAL New West update

We're getting excited about our building in New Westminster opening spring/summer 2023!

Leave PAL a Google Review!

Our goal is to get 100 Google Reviews for PAL Vancouver.

A Special 'Thank you' goes out to . . .

We received a Community Agency Partner Grant from the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and purchased a fridge, freezer, and supplies to outfit our PAL Pantry!

Bard on the Beach generously donated online passes to screen the film DONE/UNDONE

Pharmasave Howe St. provided a free on-site flu clinic for our residents and staff.

There is now a "Theatre Rate" for afternoon parking, courtesy of WestPark.

GeniusQuest Design helped us build our new website!

We are grateful to Joe Average for donating some of his original artwork to PAL Vancouver.

Please Consider Donating to PAL Vancouver

Tax Receipts will be issued for all donations $20 and over.

If you prefer to donate by cheque, please send to:

PAL Vancouver

300-581 Cardero St.

Vancouver, BC V6G 3L3

Sent by for our newsletter on December 15, 2021.


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